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Binders Board
Cover Spine Board Flexible Inlay |

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A special flexible board lining for reinforcing the spine of a book or ideal for flexible restaurant menu covers. ... Stocked size 38" X 26" inches #73-TAN (.020")thousands thin. Standard carton has 73 sheets. 10 sheet minimum. Manufactured from recycled paper, color may vary..
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Single Ply paper board the industry standard for hard cover books and strong boxes for over 100 years.
100 % RECYCLED PAPER BOARD Thicknesses from thin (.070") (.080) (,098) (.120) SPECIAL MANUFACTURED 26 x 38" Grain Long IN STOCK
Adhesives: Hide Flex
Animal Glue
Adhesive PVA & EVA
PVA LIQUID WHITE FLEXIBLE GLUE WHEN DRIES TURNS CLOUDY CLEAR. Water based product do not allow below 32 degrees F.